Last weekend in Delhi was surprisingly one of the nicest, for all the shops, markets, restaurants and peacefully lying on the ground in the central park in Connaught Place. The night we spend in trainee house, which was empty. My flight was at night and I took a rickshaw to the airport by myself with the  entire luggage and was a bit scared, as you never know what the drivers come up with having a foreigner aboard. Everything went well and I waited only couple of hours until the bus retrieved passengers and took us to the plane. The plane was only half-full, with no lively Indians walking around as it was when going there. Helsinki was coloured yellow, red and wet, and I thought I would remember this for a long time. I could not be happier seeing Finland in its autumn colours and fresh smell. The bus left from the airport towards Heinola and Jyväskylä. How tired I was, I slept on the bus which I haven't been able to do ever before.

Everybody at home was waiting for me and I had good chicken meal and slept 11 hours. Today we went to see my flat in Kortepohja E-building and it was clean and better than my last one. My computer is there and more staff will be delivered by Sunday.

I can't write my thoughts down yet but in couple of weeks they will surely be clear and I start realizing many things about the trip and working back there. Indian sweets are still in the fridge and whenever I feel like having a taste of India it is very close to experience that. Colours, fabrics, food, spices (smells...) I miss those already! My life from now on will be more spiced in many ways!