India policies have become very clear in past too weeks as things aren´t going too smoothly, not in a sense we are used to. It is called an invitation letter, I suppose, and that I have been waiting for weeks for them to send me. The information what is going to happen in India is still minimal to me, but let´s hope I am being informed about it in a very near future.
Closer the departure comes,  more my body and mind are malfunctioning and that is due to the excitement that the traineeship brings with it. I can hardly sleep, or eat not to mention studyind anything that requires cognitive prosessing. Well, I guess my emotions have taken over me and I can´t control them.One of the hardest things is saying goodbye to my friends and to my dog, which I cannot even describe what I am going through. It is incredible hard!

What I am approaching is still unknown; every new experience is welcome as a learning opportunity to grow. My feelings aren´t too enthusiastic at this point as the writing shows a slight hesitation, fear and anxiety. Since the plane takes off, I bet my feelings get higher as well, joy and happy are the feelings mostly and only. I will be pleased at the end.